Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bryce & Kristy {Wedding}

From the minute I showed up at Kristy's house I knew this was going to be a beautiful day. Watching her get ready with the thoughts of what she was about to experience as she went throughout her wedding day, I couldn't help but feel so privileged to be apart of something so special! I think everyone that was apart of it will agree that it was a beautiful day, even if it was a bit cold and rainy! The reception was gorgeous! I could see the love that these two families had for each other and how happy they all were for this wonderful couple. I have no doubt that they will continue to be happy in their marriage! Best of Luck to you Bryce and Kristy! Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your wedding day!


  1. I LOVE them! You did such a good job! It was a beautiful day!

  2. I Love them!! I can't wait to see the whole disk:) Thanks so much! You are amazing!
